Lezajlott az igazgatóváltás a Sheffieldi Egyetem Szabadkőműves tanulmányok központjában (Centre for Masonic Studies, Sheffield University), a távozó Andrew J. Prescott helyett már az új vezető, Dr. Andreas Önnerfors küldte ki a Központ aktuális Hírlevelét.
No. 24: JANUARY 2008
Dear colleagues, dear friends!
First of all, I want to wish everybody a Prosperous New Year 2008 and
thank for all kind cards, E-cards and greetings the Centre has
received in the previous weeks.
I want to take the opportunity to inform you about forthcoming events
and publications.
1) First Lecture & Seminar series
A lecture to mark the start of my directorship at the Centre will take
place on Thursday 13th March 2008. Further announcement of exact time
and title will follow soon. The CRF runs a series of seminars that
will start with this occasion. Another seminar will be held in April
and the series continued in September.
2) Conference travels to the USA
In May, I will spend most of the time in the USA, attending several
• On the conference “Urban Space: The Experience of Urban Life in the
Middle Ages and the Early Modern Age” in Tucson, Arizona I will give a
paper “From Stone Masons to Gentleman Masons: Changing Associational
Patterns of Freemasonry in Early Modern Urban Space”. (for further
information see: www.gened.arizona.edu/aclassen/program4.htm)
• I will participate in the World Conference of Grand Lodges in
Washington D.C. (see glworldconference.org/en/) and hopefully present
a paper on academic research into freemasonry.
• At the conference “Baltic Crossroads: Examining Cultural, Social,
and Historical Diversity” Indiana University, Bloomington, I will
present a paper ‘Imagining a Common Space: Freemasonry in the Baltic
Sea Area during the 18th Century” (see depts.washington.edu/aabs/)
In between there is plenty of time for further encounters with
American academic and masonic world and you are free to contact me
with any suggestions.
3) CRF new position
The recruitment of a new staff member, Research Support Coordinator,
has now been carried out and the Coordinator will hopefully start to
work on March 1st.
4) CRF new website
We are hoping to launch the first version of our new website in March
2008. The new website will contain many new features, such as a series
of online Working Papers with a regular ISSN-number. The first two
papers to be published are Andrew Prescotts farewell-lecture and Jan
Snoeks lecture held at the ICHF in Edinburgh in May 2007.
5) MA course
New information on the MA in the History of Freemasonry and
Fraternalism, to start in the academic year of 2008-09, has now been
published and can be found under following link:
An information meeting with potential MA-students will be held on 13th
February 13.00 in the Old library at the History Department of the
University of Sheffield.
6) Preparation of 2nd ICHF
At the moment, preparations for the 2nd International Conference on
the History of Freemasonry are made and a Call for papers is expected
to be published in February. See www.ichfonline.org for further
7) New publications
Hasselmann analyses the rituals of freemasonry from the perspective of
cultural performance.
The book with the title “Die Rituale der Freimaurer Performative
Grundlegungen eines bürgerlichen Habitus im 18. Jahrhundert” will be
available at transcript-Publishers in May, see
English. Dr. Stefan-Ludwig Hoffmanns dissertation presents the first
cultural and political history of German Freemasonry in the 19th and
early 20th centuries. Drawing on de Tocqueville's theory that without
civic virtue there is no civil society, and that civic virtue unfolds
only through the social interaction between citizens, Hoffmann
examines the critical link between Freemasonry and the evolution of
German civil society in the late nineteenth century. The practice of
Masonic sociability reflected an enlightened belief in the political
significance of moral virtue for civil society, indeed, for humanity.
Freemasons' self-image as civilizing agents, acting in good faith and
with the unimpeachable idea of universal brotherhood, was contradicted
not only by their heightened sense of exclusivity; Freemasons
unintentionally exacerbated nineteenth-century political
conflicts---for example, between liberals and Catholics, or Germans
and French---by employing a universalist language.
Title: “The Politics of Sociability. Freemasonry and German Civil
Society, 1840-1918”
Author: Stefan-Ludwig Hoffmann Translated by Tom Lampert
The University of Michigan Press 2007
978-0-472-11573-0 $70.00S
8) New French web-course on freemasonry
The French Université Ouverte des Humanités has financed an
online-course on freemasonry “Franc-maconnerie comme laboratoire de
l'idée européenne: du XVIIIe siècle à la Société des Nations”. More
information to follow.
9) Table ronde in Paris 3rd April
“Les réseaux maçonniques dans le monde des Lumières”
Université de Paris Sorbonne Paris IV
Ouverture par
Sylvain Menant
(Directeur du CELLF 17e-18e,
Université de Paris-Sorbonne Paris IV)
Présentation par
Charles Porset
(cellf 17e-18e,
UMR 8599, CNRS)
9 h 30
Pierre-Yves Beaurepaire
(Université de Nice-Sophia Antipolis & Institut Universitaire de
Petri Mirala
(Université d’Helsinki, Finlande)
(Université Michel Montaigne, Bordeaux)
Antonio Trempus
(Université de Venise)
correspondance maçonnique ou l’échec du rêve hégémonique de la
franc-maçonnerie avignonnaise au milieu du XVIIIe siècle
17 h 30
Discussion générale
par CÉcile RÉvauger
(Université Michel Montaigne, Bordeaux)
Le Monde maçonnique des Lumières (Europe-Amériques).
Dictionnaire prosopographique
CÉcile RÉvauger & Charles Porset
Dr. Andreas Önnerfors
Director / Senior Lecturer
Centre for Research into Freemasonry
34 Gell Street
Sheffield S3 7QY
United Kingdom
Telephone: +44 (0)114 222 9893
Fax: +44 (0)114 222 98 94
Email: a.onnerfors@sheffield.ac.uk
Website: www.freemasonry.dept.shef.ac.uk/
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