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2010. december 19., vasárnap

Harmadik nemzetközi konferencia a szabadkőművesség történetéről (ICHF)

Elkészült az ICHF 2011. május 27-29. között Alexandriában, a George Washington Masonic National Memorialban tartandó harmadik konferenciájának előzetes programja.

Származási hely: Profán gondolatok a szabadkőművességről

Magyar szempontból érdekes előadások:

New approaches to British Freemasonry II

Róbert Péter, Hungary
Freemasonry in the 18th-century London press – a quantitative analysis

Freemasonry in the Hapsburg Empire

Martin Javor, Slovakia
The Enlightenment in Practice: Freemasonry in Upper Hungary in the Eighteenth Century

Alice Reiniger, Austria
An Analysis of the Draskovich Observance, a Freemasonry Document of the Late Eighteenth Century from Croatia.

Eszter Gantner, Germany
Freemasonry and modernism? The influence of the freemasonry

További érdekes előadások:

Freemasonry and Religion I

Klaus-Jürgen Grün, Germany
Celebrating Nature. Freemasonry and its Contribution to the Secularization of Religion

Jan Snoek, Germany
The Female Case: The Religious Dimension of the Adoption Rite

Freemasonry and Religion II

Peter Paul Fuchs, USA
From the Ethos of the Temple: Masonic Contexts of Theism, Deism and Atheism

Mark E. Koltko-Rivera, USA
Of Mormons and Masons: Freemasonry’s Craft Rituals of Initiation and the Latter-Day Saint Temple Ceremonies

Christopher L. Hodapp, USA
Pharaohs and Freemasons: The curious tale of Egyptian influences on Masonic culture

Anti-freemasonry and Conservatism in Europe around 1800: lines of development

Andrew McKenzie- McHarg, Germany
Visions of Conspiracy: the Anti- Masonry of Former Masons in late 18th century Germany

Damien Amblard, France
The Early Writings of a Famous Anti-Mason: Politics in the Writings of the Abbé Barruel, 1788-1797.

Claus Oberhauser, Austria
John Robison and his ‘Proofs of a Conspiracy’

Freemasonry in Latin America

Miguel Guzmán-Stein, Costa Rica
Woman, Freemasonry and the Order of the Eastern Star in Latin America. The times of Andres Cassard (1865-1875)

Ricardo Martinéz Esquivel, Costa Rica
Mystical sociability: Freemasons and Theosophists in the organization of the Co- Freemasonry and the Liberal Catholic Church in Costa Rica during the 1920s

Women and Freemasonry

James Allen, USA
Freemason Women and Modern Civic Life in George Sand’s ‘La Comtesse de Rudolstadt’ (1843)

N.N., N.A.
The Reverend, The Bluestocking, and Freemasons Behaving Badly: An Exploration and Close Reading of “A Series of Letters on Freemasonry” by “a Lady of Boston”

Karen Kidd, USA
Co-Masonry’s Place in the History of North American Freemasonry

Contradictions of Fraternalism: Practices of Inclusion and Exclusion II

Panel B Exclusion: Racism and Denominational Closure

Adam Geoffrey Kendall, USA
The Masonic Whitewash Committee of California: American Anti-Catholicism, Freemasonry and the Knights of Columbus in the 1910s

Kristofer Allerfeldt, UK
The Ku Klux Klan and Fraternalism in the 1920s.

Joesphe G. Stiles, USA Using Progressive-era Ku Klux Klan Activity in Kansas to Understand Changes in Freemasonry and Similar Fraternal Organizations

Az előadások teljes listája mindennek többszöröse. Remélhetőleg majd írásban is hozzáférhetők lesznek.





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