Dear colleagues and friends, the CRFF is currently very busy in preparing various papers and publications. Until Christmas and thereafter we will also attend a number of academic conferences and workshops. In the middle of a hectic period we nevertheless are sure you will appreciate following news.
Kind regards, Andreas Önnerfors
1) CRFF lecture December 10
The last CRFF lecture for this term will be held on Thursday December 10 when British Academy Visiting Fellow Dr. Róbert Péterwill present a paper on “Gendering the role of women in eighteenth-century English freemasonry” (NB! This is a switched topic)
Time 5.15pm
Humanities Research Institute
34 Gell Street
S3 7QY Sheffield
For more information, see:
2) Study day on Freemasonry and Jacobites in Paris, December 5
sous la présidence d’Émile Poulat (EHESS-CNRS)
le samedi 5 décembre 2009 à l’École pratique des hautes Études, section des sciences religieuses Sorbonne, Escalier E, 1er étage, salle Mauss.
La Franc-Maçonnerie et les Stuarts au XVIIIe siècle, stratégies politiques, réseaux, entre mythes et réalité
Samedi matin 9 heures
1) Michel DUCHEIN : « Le contexte politico religieux dans l’Angleterre des derniers Stuarts: de Jacques II aux hanovriens »
2) Steve MURDOCH : « Jacobites and Hanoverians : British Freemasons in their Scandinavian Context » (une présentation en français sera faite)
3) Jean-Marie MERCIER : « Les origines jacobites de la franc-maçonnerie avignonnaise, une mythologie historique à repenser ».
4) Jose-Antonio Ferrer-BENIMELLI : « La présence de la maçonnerie jacobite à Madrid et à Rome », (titre provisoire)
5) Robert COLLIS : « L’influence des Jacobites sur le développement de la maçonnerie en Russie ».
6) Pierre-Yves BEAUREPAIRE : « Le Parnasse de Chaulnes, et l’Art royal, peut-on parler d’une franc-maçonnerie jacobite au XVIIIe siècle ?
Si vous disposez d’une adresse électronique vous nous éviterez de gros frais de poste en nous la communiquant à l’adresse suivante
3) ICHF 2011 in Alexandria 27-29 May 2011
It has just been announced that the International Conference on the History of Freemasonry (ICHF) will move from Edinburgh toAlexandria, Virginia, USA where the George Washington Masonic National Memorial will host the conference between 27 - 29 May 2011. To view the venue click here or on the previous link. More details will be posted soon on Following the huge success of the ICHF in Edinburgh in 2009, the CRFF has again been asked to preside the Academic Committee. We very much look forward to co-organize the program of the conference and are thrilled by the prospect of trans-Atlantic co-operation in the area.
This early announcement will allow European scholars to apply for appropriate funding. The CRFF envisages contacting the major Masonic collections in the US so that research stays in connection with a potential conference visit can be arranged. We are happy to write letters of support for any university-based scholars who would like to apply for funding to take part in the conference and to visit relevant archives and collections.
ICHF 2007 and 2009 Publications
We repeatedly receive requests concerning proceedings from the ICHF in Edinburgh in 2007 and 2009. Unlike other conferences, no official proceedings were produced, but the authors are encouraged to submit their papers to relevant publications such as the Journal for Research into Freemasonry and Fraternalism, Heredomor AQC. The CRFF has collected a number of papers related to the history of British freemasonry that will be published shortly (presumably in January 2010). Look out for the announcement of this new title.
4) History prize announced for research into mark masonry
An initiative to encourage research into the history of Mark Masonry has been launched by the Mark Provincial Grand Master of London under the Grand Lodge of Mark Master Masons for England and Wales.
It takes the form of an essay competition and has the approval of the Grand Secretary of the Order. Prestige and important support has also been provided by the Director of the Centre for Research into Freemasonry and Fraternalism at Sheffield University, Dr Andreas Önnerfors, and R W Bro James Daniel, a leading Masonic researcher, who addressed Mark Grand Lodge on the subject of the history of the Order at the 150th Anniversary Celebratory Meeting in 2006. Both of these leading historians have agreed to act as judges in the first year of the competition.
The seeds for this initiative were sown at the 150th anniversary celebrations of the premier Mark Grand Lodge at the Royal Albert Hall, when R W Bro James Daniel highlighted the fact that the study of the history of this Order has been a much-neglected area of masonic research.
This thought was taken up by members of the London Mark Provincial Grand Stewards Lodge No. 1870 who have been working for some time on an initiative to expand the theme of the Lodge, ‘Service to the Order’.
They discussed the deficiency in Masonic research, which was highlighted and agreed that an award for the best essay submitted each year on the history of Mark Masonry might go a little way towards helping remedy the defect and could stimulate wider interest in the subject.
The Provincial Grand Master of London warmly approved of the idea and intends to present the award himself at a meeting of the Lodge each year.
The aim is to run the competition along similar lines to the annual ‘Norman B Spencer Prize’ which is sponsored by Quatuor Coronati (Craft) Lodge. The competition will be open to anyone in good standing with a Lodge on the register of Mark Grand Lodge and it is hoped that it will attract entries from far and wide - not just from London.
Entrants may select their own subject, which must be related to the antecedents and development of Mark Masonry in the territories, which are now or were originally under the jurisdiction of the Mark Grand Lodge of England and Wales. While the chosen subject must therefore be within the field of Mark masonic history, this field includes, for example, masonic periodicals, the coverage of freemasonry in the profane press, biography, antiquities, regalia, jewels, glassware, ceramics, books, documents, architecture and historiography. Essays showing Mark Masonry in the wider masonic and social contexts of the time will be particularly welcome. On the other hand, ritual subjects, lodge histories and histories of Mark Provinces and Districts are not generally acceptable, and papers of a contemplative or philosophical nature are unlikely to qualify.
Each year, the Prize, will be awarded to the author of the essay which is judged by the Board of Assessors made up of three people appointed annually, in consultation with the Provincial Grand Master, as being the winner - or it may be shared between entrants. The Board of Assessors will be made up of three people appointed annually by the Lodge Committee, in consultation with the Provincial Grand Master.
Essays should be written in English and consist of 5,000 to 10,000 words. Full details and a copy of the rules of the competition may be obtained from the Secretary of the London Mark Provincial Grand Stewards’ Lodge No. 1870 (whose contact details are published in the Year Book of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Mark Master Masons of London) or they can be viewed on the website of the Mark Provincial Grand Lodge of London (
The winner will receive an engraved keystone, an invitation to present a summary of his essay to the London Mark Provincial Grand Stewards’ Lodge and - it is hoped - much publicity for his work. The closing date for entries is the 31st December each year, and the first closing date will be the 31st December 2010.
For more information please contact:
Paul Calderwood
5) CRFF Working paper 6 “The Masonic Collection of the University Library in Poznan” published on the website
Working paper 6 on the masonic collection of the University Library in Poznan, authored by Andrzej Karpowicz, is now accessible under the following link:
6) Session on freemasonry at the X Conference on Central American History, Costa Rica, 12-15 July 2010
Estimados colegas
El próximo año, entre el 12 al 15 de julio de 2010 en la Ciudad de Managua, será organizado el X Congreso de Historia Centroamericana, espacio que poseerá una mesa sobre Masonería y Sociedades Patrióticas. Esta mesa está siendo coordinada por los profesores Roberto Valdés de la Universidad Centroamericana “José Simeón Cañas” de El Salvador, Miguel Guzmán-Stein y Ricardo Martínez de la Universidad de Costa Rica. Por lo tanto, les invitamos a participar de la mesa y a divulgar la realización de ésta entre otras y otros investigadores interesados.
Plazos y normas de participación en el Congreso:
Resumen de las ponencias: Antes del 31 de enero de 2010. Hasta 250 palabras vía página Web del o al correo electró con copia a los coordinadores y coordinadoras de mesa. Con indicación de autor/a: Apellido y nombre (con el apellido en mayúscula), grado académico, si lo tuviese, o estudiante y carrera; filiación institucional, dirección electrónica, dirección postal y teléfono y fax, subtemas relevantes; en formato Word, Times New Roman 12 puntos, a espacio y medio interlineal. El envío deberá hacerse por correo electrónico.
Texto completo para aparecer en memoria digitalizada: Antes del 30 de Marzo de 2010. Extensión de la ponencia: 15 Páginas (máximo) a espacio y medio interlineal, incluyendo notas y bibliografía (Enviar copia por correo electrónico al Coordinador/ra de mesa que se anunciará oportunamente, con copia al coordinador general del evento: , y a la dirección electrónica del Congreso,
Seguimos en contacto.
Nuestros más cordiales saludos,
Miguel Guzmán-Stein
Roberto Valdés
Ricardo Martínez